Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

The East Coast is in the middle of Hurricane Sandy, referred to affectionately as "Frankenstorm." As a California girl, I'm perfectly comfortable with earthquakes but hurricanes are new to me. The wind is blowing like crazy, rain is pouring down, and I know things are scheduled to get worse within the next couple of hours. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there isn't a power outage!
(Photo Credit:
The federal government is shut down (so I didn't go to my internship today) but I still had class. Now that I'm done for the day, I'm curled up in bed with a sweater and thick socks, watching Netflix and hoping that the power stays on.

Other than Hurricane Sandy preparations, last week was great! The weather was (ironically) beautiful and my internship was busy but amazing. I got to attend the U.S.-Israel loan guarantee extension signing and met the Secretary of the Treasury!
(Photo Credit: Jerusalem Post)
Because things were so busy at work, I didn’t get much sleep during the week so over the weekend I slept 10-11 hours a day – yikes. I also went to see Argo on Saturday night, which was really powerful and is definitely on the list of my favorite movies for the year. I also spent a lot of time studying at Starbucks - my Washington Ethics midterm is this Thursday and I still have a lot of reading to catch up on.

It's strange to believe that it's Week Seven already - only four and a half more weeks until I'm back in Davis!

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